SIF Congress: the point of science for better medicine of the future

The 42nd edition of the National Congress of the Italian Society of Pharmacology is on the agenda from 13 to 16 November in Sorrento (NA). “Science today for a better medicine tomorrow” is the payoff of the Congress, which will focus on research, innovation, sustainability and appropriateness, as well as training. In the four days of work, basic and clinical pharmacologists together with regulatory affairs staff, medical specialists, pharmaceutical companies, citizen-patient associations and politicians will address these issues through symposiums, keynote lectures and round tables, creating a constructive discussion among all the stakeholders involved in the world of medicines and health.

“In this context, Pharmacology is called to play a central role in the strong transversality that characterizes these new horizons. The pharmacologist will increasingly have to become an interdisciplinary professional who embraces the integration of technology, genomics, bioinformatics, contributing not only to R&D, but also to training. This know-how is necessary to advance the development of drugs, optimize therapy, actively contributing to the progress of precision medicine in an increasingly complex healthcare landscape” states the president of SIF Giuseppe Cirino in his invitation.

“Pharmacognosy, phytotherapy and nutraceuticals” will be one of the specific themes of the Congress and the Laboratory of Pharmacognosy will present its research on some natural products in this section.

All the information and the program coming soon on the official conference website:

The Italian Society of Pharmacology is an association of pharmacologists from public and private institutions and bodies which has been promoting research, training and dissemination in the field of pharmacology and pharmacological therapies for over 50 years.